Sasha Confronts Gladys Over Her Lies and Theft — and Tells Her How She Can Start to Make Things Right
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Sam arrives at the PCPD and asks Chase if Dante is there. He says he’s in the interrogation room with Cody. Chase goes in to see Dante and finds him chatting casually with Cody. He says Sam is here, and maybe he should let her in so they can tell him what’s really going on.
Chase brings Sam in, and they explain the whole story to him about Gladys stealing from Sasha. Chase never thought Gladys would do something like this, and he offers them his help as Sasha is a friend.
Back in the station, Dante calls for records on Daman Montague when Scott shows up to see his client, Cody. Dante takes him into the interrogation room.
Back in interrogation, Cody asks Sam how Sasha is. Sam believes she’s strong enough to face Gladys. Cody just worries that Gladys may get to Sasha once again and talk her way out of this. Dante brings Scott in to see Cody, and he and Sam give them time to talk.
At Sasha’s, Gladys packs as there is a knock at the door. She assumes it’s her ride, but it’s Sasha. Gladys is stunned, and Sasha says she doesn’t seem happy to see her. Sasha enters, and Gladys informs her that they have Cody in custody, and she was so afraid for her. Sasha sees the suitcase and asks if she’s going somewhere. Gladys says she was packing to look for her, and she was going to head to where Cody was last seen and maybe he had an accomplice. Sasha says Cody didn’t have an accomplice, but Gladys did.
Sasha informs her mother-in-law that knows about Dr. Montague and her plot and lashes out at her. Gladys tries to play innocent. Sasha screams she knows Gladys stole from her, she knows everything, including her getting Dr. Montague to help her stop her from dissolving the guardianship. She cries that Gladys drove her to insanity, and she made her life a nightmare. She thought Gladys loved her and asks how she could betray her at her lowest point when she trusted her with her entire life!
Gladys says she has it wrong, and Cody has filled her head with lies. Sasha reminds her she was the one always telling her to take her pills. She explains while at Ferncliff that Dr. Montague kept drugging her, and it appears he was going to stage an OD. She asks if that was part of Gladys’ plan too, to kill her. Gladys cries, “No, I never wanted him to hurt you! I did everything I could to stop him.”
Sasha doesn’t know how she can believe her as she lied to her, stole from her, and drove her to the brink of insanity. She was supposed to be her family! Gladys swears she didn’t mean for any of this to happen. She admits she has a problem, and was going to pay the money back, but she kept losing and didn’t want Sasha to hate her. She just needed the guardianship to go on a little longer, and Montague never told her what the pills would do to her, but she also never asked. Gladys cries she didn’t mean for any of this to happen and she’s so sorry. Sasha tells her to prove it by going to the police station, confess, and testify against Dr. Montague so he can never do this again.
“Eddie” arrives at The Savoy and is welcomed backstage by Marshall. He asks if he has everything, and “Eddie” says he’s just finalizing the setlist. N’neka interrupts, and “Eddie” worries about something. Marshall gets back to him and can’t wait to hear his new song.
In the club, Olivia and Brook Lynn wait for “Eddie” to go on, and Olivia feels sure that his song will bring Ned back to them. Then again she says it may just be a beautiful song that means nothing. Brook Lynn says not to worry, and “Eddie” is at least getting to know them. Olivia worries once he gets to know them, he might not want to keep knowing them.
Blaze arrives, so Brook Lynn excuses herself to welcome her. Blaze doesn’t know who “Eddie” is. BLQ admits he’s before their time and also happens to be her father.
Brook Lynn goes backstage to check on “Eddie,” and she tells him that she knows he’ll do great, she just wishes her mom was here to see it. She says she heard all about his performances from her growing up, and finally gets to hear one for herself. She heads back out.
Meanwhile, Olivia congratulates Blaze on being Brook Lynn’s first client. Blaze wants to hear about “Eddie,” as Brook Lynn was vague about him. Olivia says it’s his first performance in a while, so they are nervous for him.
Brook Lynn rejoins Blaze, who has been filled in on “Eddie’s” whole history from Olivia. Brook Lynn misses her dad, but they are starting to like “Eddie,” well everyone but Tracy.
Molly (now played by Kristen Vaganos) and TJ arrive, and Curtis welcomes them. He suggests they hit the bar for drinks on him. Portia soon joins them, and they all celebrate the pregnancy news, but Portia points out they still have to tell Aunt Stella.
Michael, Kristina and Willow arrive, and Michael frets about Willow going out after her first day back at work. Willow assures him that she’s fine, and Kristina tells her brother to chill otherwise he’ll end up as controlling as Molly. Kristina looks over and spots her sister. Michael asks what is going on with her and Molly. She says see for yourself…
Kristina approaches TJ and Molly and tells them congratulations, and she’s happy for them. Molly is silent, and Kristina says that’s all and walks off. TJ rolls his eyes.
Marshall tells Curtis that the club is packed tonight because of his PR magic. Curtis admits it feels good to be back, but he still hasn’t decided on Selina’s offer to buy the club.
In the back room, “Eddie” desperately tries to finish his song. Olivia listens at the door and then heads in to tell him how much she’s looking forward to his performance. She can’t believe he’s not nervous. He says music and performing are in his blood. She brought him a gift from Leo, a bandana with dinosaurs on it for luck. As she goes to give it to him, they share a close moment. He hugs her and thanks her and she becomes a little flustered. She wishes him luck again, and quickly rushes out, but not before saying she can’t wait to find out who that siren in the sea is from his song.
Back in the club, Chase shows up and reunites with his former partner Blaze. Blaze and Brook Lynn tell him about their new partnership. Suddenly Olivia appears and grabs Brook Lynn and pulls her away. She tells her about her moment with “Eddie” and that she wanted to kiss him. She feels like she’s cheating on her husband. Brook Lynn says… “With your husband?”
Michael and Willow grab a table and are shocked when Tracy arrives.
Kristina runs into Blaze, and Blaze tells her about signing with Brook Lynn. Kristina congratulates her. Blaze asks if she’s here with her boyfriend. Kristina answers, “God no, I’m here with my brother and his wife.” Blaze says Brook Lynn’s boyfriend arrived, so she’s a third wheel too. Kristina suggests they stick together.
Marshall takes to the stage to praise his son Curtis, and introduce “Eddie.” “Eddie” rocks the house.
Michael approaches Tracy and says it’s nice she came out to support her son. She tells him to mind his business and get her another drink.
“Eddie” dedicates his next song to someone who has helped him get back onto the stage tonight and has become his best friend, Olivia. Marshall shouts at him to play the new song, but “Eddie” says it’s not ready, so he’ll play a classic of his, which the house rocks out to. Even Tracy smiles.
At Laura and Kevin’s, Spencer makes a call to confirm his accommodations in New York. Esme arrives and gives him his tablet, thinking he might want this for his trip. Later as Spencer tells Esme they need to go over everything one more time, panicked, Esme tells Spencer that he can’t go!
Trina finishes packing in her dorm room and wonders why Spencer is late. Joss assures her that he’ll be here. Trina gushes that she’s really looking forward to this trip. Spencer finally calls. He tells Trina that they can’t go to New York as Ace’s daycare called, and he’s been exposed to chicken pox. He’s so sorry but he can’t leave Ace now.
Trina begins unpacking and claims to Joss that she understands why Spencer has to stay, and she probably needs to work on her essay some more anyway. Joss says it’s okay to be let down, even angry. Trina admits she was really looking forward to this, and they embrace.
Back at Laura’s, Esme gets a text from the daycare as Spencer is about to go unpack.
Later, Spencer arrives at Trina’s dorm and says he’s booked them on a new flight, as it was all a false alarm and the boy at daycare had poison ivy. Their trip is still on. He spins her around.
Today’s show was dedicated to Craig Sjodin, a long-time photographer at ABC.